Medical school applications require an essay and most pre-meds write about "why I want to be a doctor." All those missives begin to sound the same and can really bore the med school admissions committee. When I applied back in…
Today's guest columnist is Dr. Jamie Collins, a Family Practice resident at the University Health Center here in Lafayette. It was the start of a great day for Kevin. It was Saturday and no school and no homework. However, Kevin…
No one ever accused modern medicine of being good at naming things. There are so many jokes out there that whole web sites are devoted to making fun of medical terminology (Example: Definition of Barium: What doctors do after…
Take it from me, the father of three teenagers: teenagers are trouble. They whine and grump when asked to do the dishes, fold clothes, or clean up. They beg for fast food day and night. The good manners they practiced just a…